Friday, October 26, 2007

story time!

I'm going to be honest here, which is weird for me. You see, I lie. I am a liar. I believe lying is an art form, and it's what keeps my life going. I manipulate people and situations with words. There hasn't been a single day in recent years where I haven't impressed myself with a crafty lie that I pull out of nowhere.

I'm a fifteen-year-old girl, a sophomore in high school. I am surrounded by pressures and small situations that I don't necessarily have a problem lying in.

Friends are impressed by my skills, when they see me pull them out of sticky situations. However, if you ask them if I lie they won't realize it; it mostly goes unaccredited. My family has absolutely no idea, and I lie to them all the time. My parents would be horrified if they knew; they would be offended. Surely all that church hasn't gone to waste on me!

I don't cheat. I hate cheaters, and those who don't appreciate hard work that goes into NOT cheating. I don't copy other people's work. I also don't drink or smoke, while all my straight-A-student-friends do. They cheat and smoke and drink. They are cheats; I'm just a liar.

I don't do stuff like that. I just lie. I'm really not a bad person, or I try not to be. I don't hate and I try my hardest not to curse. I haven't had sex and I haven't let guys take advantage of me. I don't get horrible grades, and I don't skip class. I don't hurt anyone, and I do feel guilty when my lies cause chaos or somehow end up making someone a victim, which let me clarify, is RARE.

I never make up things for the heck of it, and I don't plan on lying. I empathize with my friends and listen to their self centered problems. I've helped tons of friends with cutting and one with anorexia. I want to make a positive change in the world one day. So you see, although I'm a liar, I'm not a bad person. I really am not.

You've just become a victim of my lies and manipulation. I just convinced you I was a liar who wasn't all that bad. That in itself is a lie. Everyone knows lying is wrong.

But if you catch me in a great lie, pat me on the back for being so crafty. I'd appreciate it. Keep in mind that I, though I am not a compulsive liar, don't LIKE lying per se.

And because it's so tempting, let me just tell you that this could ALL be a lie; you'll really NEVER know.

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