Thursday, September 20, 2007

story 12

I sometimes feel there is more than one of me, either that or I don't know who I am. I have several characters, and I become each of them for extended periods of time. It sounds strange, but it’s been a way of life for me since I can remember. I've been diagnosed with a condition, which explains it, though my parents have no idea to what extent I do this.

My main characters at the moment are a kid growing up in a squat in a community centered on an underground music club. Odd as it is, something about that kind of life is fascinating for me. The other is based on the son of a man I admire endlessly, and I can't thank my friend enough for introducing me to him and his music.

I've found the only way to concentrate in school is to become one of these characters, and to invent a scenario where it is important that they focus. It seems to work, since I've recently passed my exams! I realize my behavior isn't normal, and I really hope I grow out of it. But for the moment, thank you to my characters for helping me with every aspect of my life.

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