Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sample Story 07

Today was the first time in years that I can remember sitting down to eat dinner with my family at home. Before today, we only eat together as a family at restaurants on special occasions.

I never knew how much I missed eating with them as a family at our own dinner table in our own dining room with food we cooked together.

I know we’re all busy and all, but we don’t even try to get together anymore for dinner. We go our own separate ways to do whatever fits in our schedule.

I am beginning to think that what “fits in our schedule” is just the excuse we use for not trying and not caring enough to work at it.

We should eat dinner together at least once a week. I’m sure we can all set aside one day, the same day, to have a nice meal together. I can’t be the only one in the family who misses those dinners.

I just wish we would stop making excuses for why we can’t get together and actually just do it once in a while. I don’t want my family to be distant. I want it to be close-knit like it was when I was a kid and I had to ask to get up from the table. Those really were the days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the way of the world these days. With mom working 9-5 and not getting home from rush hour traffic until 7pm, she doesn't want to cook. That is what slowly, but steadily made family dinners disappear...