Thursday, July 5, 2007

FAQ about this project

"Deep Secrets of Anonymous Lives" is the working title of a book that is being worked on. It is like an extension of the popular PostSecret books.

Basically, people send in their secrets, but instead of putting just a few words on a postcard, they are sending in stories, through email. Only stories with at least 3 paragraphs can be considered for publication.

What's the point?
We believe that it is going to be a very interesting read. And, we thought it would be a good idea for people to really share their secrets with details instead of just writing a couple words.

How can I be a part of this?
You can send your stories, as many as you like, to You may submit them anonymously. That is how they will be printed, anyway. If you include any names in the story, they will be changed to a random, made-up name to protect the privacy of everyone involved.

You can also tell your friends and family members about this site and encourage them to submit something.

If I choose to submit a story, what should it be like?
It should be at least a few paragraphs in length. And, it should be a secret about yourself (a secret joy, envy, guilty pleasure, event, wish, dream, goal, love, etc.) that you want to share. It should not be made up. And, it should be interesting. Best of all, you don't need to be a great writer to submit a story. Everything will be edited for grammar and spelling before publishing.

So what's the status on this book?
As of 7/5/07, there have been a six stories submitted and approved, and there are about 15 more people who have displayed interest in submitting a story but who need some time to write them. This project will probably take another year or so until it is completely compiled. But, when it's done, it will be a huge success.

Do I get anything for submitting a story?
Unfortunately, there is not enough money available to pay for stories. Submitting stories will be strictly on a voluntary basis. No compensation should be expected from anyone who submits. However, you may get the gratification of having your story potentially read by thousands of people and of possibly having touched one or two people in the process.

Can we see examples of stories that have been approved?
Absolutely. As more come in, more will be published right here on this Web site. Check back often to see more new stories.

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